The SHORT SMS Inbound SMS service enables you to receive text messages to a dedicated UK 11 digit virtual mobile number (VMN). SMS auto-response and various message forwarding options (via email, SMS or HTTP POST) are also available.
The inbound SMS service can be used in a variety of ways – as a reply number for feedback, for voting and competitions, collecting subscriber data, receiving automated texts from telemetry systems, receiving sales enquiries, appointment confirmations and many more uses besides. You can also set up an unlimited number of keywords, each of which can be enabled with its own SMS auto-response and message forwarding options – a truly versatile and powerful inbound SMS management system.
Received SMS inbox
View online, messages received to your VMN. Full searchable history available.
Send SMS auto-response
Set up an automatic text reply when a message is received to your VMN. Control whether a reply is sent to the sender – never, just the once or at a set frequency.
Forwarding via email
Set up forwarding email address for received messages – no charge.
Forwarding via SMS
Set up automatic forwarding for a received message to any number of recipient mobile numbers via SMS. Ideal for ‘out in the field’ communications to SMS groups, telemetry system alerts, for fast dissemination of any critical message content.
Forwarding via HTTP POST
Received SMS messages can be forwarded to a URL, enabling you to fully integrate your inbound SMS service with your website or business applications.
Automatic subscription
Save sender mobile numbers for received messages to an SMS group. The SMS group for your VMN can then be sent messages via the Web SMS service.
Set up keywords
A keyword is based on the first word in the received text message. Each keyword can have their own SMS auto-response and message forwarding options, enabling you to use your VMN for multiple purposes (subscription, feedback, voting etc) in parallel.